Smart Food Logging
An online marketplace for users to select wellness coaches based on their needs and track daily nutrition, physical activity, weight, mood, and sleep behavior.
BeYou's Role
BeYou led the co-creation activity, designed and developed a web tool and mobile app for health professionals and consumers. BeYou conducted user testing in Spain, gathering feedback that informed the future roadmap of their products.

Innovative tools to produce legume-based foods for increased consumer acceptance (LeguComf), A project aimed at increasing consumer acceptance of legume-based foods through innovative tools and testing in healthy human volunteers.
BeYou's Role
BeYou was involved in co-creation activities, developing a symptom tracker tool and a mobile app. BeYou created a custom mobile application with a scientifically reliable diagnostic tool to help users make better food choices. BeYou also designed a gamified challenge called "Manage your Gut Health" for participants to track patterns and sensations during clinical trials of food prototypes.

A collaboration between EIT Health and EIT Food focused on incorporating nutrition and exercise into cancer treatment programs to prevent malnutrition and muscle mass loss.
BeYou's Role
BeYou deployed its mobile app specifically designed for cancer patients and facilitated a co-creation process involving cancer patients and healthcare professionals. BeYou collaborated with the Catalan Institute of Oncology (ICO) in Barcelona, refining the app based on expert advice and user feedback.

A project designed to support healthy eating with on-site customized production of healthy snacks through a vending machine.
BeYou's Role
BeYou developed a mobile app prototype for snack personalization and seamless vending machine interaction. BeYou designed an interactive UX/UI experience that allowed users to create and order custom snacks from their phones. Additionally, BeYou created the complete branding for the HealthSnap project, including the name, logo, and design assets.

NutriBOOT is an engaging platform designed to help users achieve their health goals through enjoyable challenges in eating healthier, exercising more, and feeling better, supported by coaches and inspired by fellow participants.
BeYou's Role
BeYou was responsible for branding, website development, and creating iOS and Android mobile apps. BeYou designed and developed the NutriBOOT platform for EIT Food, enabling the team to establish healthy lifestyle routines that promote health and happiness. BeYou also created a custom mobile app that allowed the NutriBOOT team to develop custom challenges in fitness, nutrition, and wellness.

Citizen Science
The CITIZEN SCIENCE project aims to restore consumer trust in the food system by engaging citizens as amateur scientists and partnering them with food professionals to create a more inclusive and trusted food system based on science.
BeYou's Role
BeYou contributed to the project by developing a mobile app and implementing influencer marketing strategies. The mobile app connected participants with scientists, creating a valuable digital community where users could actively interact and access challenge-related content and essential study information. BeYou also led participant recruitment efforts through social media campaigns, targeted ads, and influencer collaborations.

Summer School on New Product Development
The CITIZEN SCIENCE project aims to restore consumer trust in the food system by engaging citizens as amateur scientists and partnering them with food professionals to create a more inclusive and trusted food system based on science.
BeYou's Role
Over three years, BeYou participated in the New Product Development summer schools, conducting master classes in Design Thinking, Product Development, and Agile Systems for successful product launches. These classes were attended by young professionals from various European countries.

How to effectively change food habits?
Targeting health and fitness professionals, this project aims to provide an innovative and personalized approach to nutrition that enables positive changes in clients' eating habits and behaviors.
BeYou's Role
BeYou collaborated with the IMDEA Institute to prepare a workshop in Madrid, discussing innovative techniques in personalized nutrition. The workshop offered valuable insights and strategies for health and fitness professionals striving to effect positive change in their clients' food habits.

EU Projects
BeYou, a proud community member of EIT Food and alumni of the Rising Food Star Association, we depolyed our technology platform in over 10 EU-funded initiatives since 2017. These projects, conducted in collaboration with industrial partners, research institutes, and universities, aimed to improve environmental and health outcomes by developing innovative solutions in food innovation areas. BeYou has also executed public engagement projects for citizen initiatives and educational programs in summer schools.
Being part of EIT Food, the world's largest and most dynamic food innovation community, is essential to BeYou. This connection allows us to access cutting-edge science and research, enhancing our technology to provide more trustworthy services.

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